
윤창한 프로필 사진
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    윤창한 교수

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    의료 영상 및 초음파 치료 시스템

  • 최종학위

    서강대학교 공학박사

  • 연구실

    하연관(A동) 110-1호

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- 서강대학교 전자공학과 학사

- 서강대학교 전자공학과 석사

- 서강대학교 전자공학과 박사

교육 및 연구경력

- 2013 ~ 2013 : 서강대학교 (연구원)

- 2013 ~ 2015 : University of Southern California (Postdoctoral Research Associate)

- 2016 ~ 2016 : Georgia Institute of Technology (Postdoctoral Fellow)

- 2016 ~ 현재 : 인제대학교 (조교수)

연구 관심 분야

- Medial Ultrasound/Photoacoustic Imaging and System

- HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) / LIPUS (Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound)

- Micro Ultrasound Imaging System and Applications

- Acoustic Tweezers

강의 분야

- 의학물리, 의료기기 개론, 바이오 신호처리, 의료 영상 처리

- 초음파 공학 특론, 모바일 디바이스 기반의 의용 앱 설계

저서 및 주요 논문

- H Yoon, KA Hallam, C. Yoon, and SY Emelianov, “Super-resolution imaging with ultrafast ultrasound imaging of optically triggered perfluorohexane nanodroplets,” IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Contr., vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 2277-2285, 2018. 12

- J. H. Kim, S. Yeo, J. W. Kim, K. Kim, T.-K. Song, C. Yoon*, J. Sung, “Real-Time Lossless Compression Algorithm for Ultrasound Data Using BL Universal Code,” Sensors, vol. 18, no. 10, 3314, 2018.10

- H. Choi, C. Yoon*, S. Shin, “Development of a Novel Image Compression Algorithm for Point-of-Care Ultrasound Applications,” Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 1526-1531, 2018. 09

- H. Jung, R. Wodnicki, H. G. Lim, C. W. Yoon, B. Kang, C. Yoon, C. Lee, J. Y. Hwang, H. H. Kim, H. Choi, M. S. Chen, Q. Zhou, K. Kirk Shung, “CMOS High Voltage Analog 1-64 Multiplexer/De-Multiplexer for Integrated Ultrasound Guided Breast Needle Biopsy,” IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Contr., vol. 65, no. 8, pp. 1334-1345, 2018. 05

- H. G. Lim, H. H. Kim, and C. Yoon*, “Evaluation of acoustic trapping performance by tracking motion of trapped microparticle,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 57, no. 5, 057202, 2018. 04

- H. Yoon, K. Jeon, H. Lee, K. Kim, and C. Yoon*, “Effective adaptive dynamic quadrature demodulation for medical ultrasound imaging,” Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 468-475, 2018. 01

- C. Yoon*, “Spectrum analysis for assessing red blood cell aggregation using high-frequency ultrasound array transducer,” Biomedical Engineering Letters, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 273-279, 2017.11.

- H. Choi, J. Ryu, and C. Yoon*, “Development of novel adjustable focus head mount display for concurrent image-guided treatment applications,” Computer Assisted Surgery, vol. 22, no. s1, pp. 163-169, 2017. 10

- H. Yoon, S. K. Yarmoska, A. S. Hannah, C. Yoon, K. A. Hallam, and S. Y. Emelianov, “Contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging in vivo with laser-activated nanodroplets,” Med. Phys., vol. 44, no. 7, pp. 3444-3449, 2017. 07

- C. Yoon, B. J. Kang, H. Kim, and K. Kirk Shung, “Development of a low complexity, cost effective digital beamformer architecture for high-frequency ultrasound imaging,” IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Contr., vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 1002-1008, 2017. 06